Nightshade Rangers (14 - 18 yrs)

Tuesday 4.30 – 6.30pm

A youth club for 14 to 18 year olds. It’s a relaxed session and new members are always welcome. Come along and join in with arts and crafts, cooking and eating, games, garden and nature related activities. We also offer issue-based and information sessions to help young people keep safe and healthy.

During the holidays we like to go on trips and camping expeditions... The group decide what we do!

We can help you to achieve your Duke of Edinburgh's Award, First Aid qualification and other certificates; a chance to develop skills for life and work, and it looks great on your CV and job applications.

We currently have space for new members, but the easiest way to tell us about yourself and arrange to come along and find out more is to fill out our waiting list form:

For more information contact Nicky on 0191 275 0000 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.