Jelly Ear (auricularia auricula-judae)
We absolutely love this fungus! It really does look like jelly and it grows in the shape of an ear. Folklore says that the ears are those of Judas Iscariot, the disciple who Christians believe betrayed Jesus. It is also sometimes known as "wood ear", although we prefer "jelly ear"!
This amazing fungus usually grows on dead wood, especially elder, although it can grow on other dying wood too. It likes damp and shady conditions, which is exactly where you'll find it at Scotswood Garden in the main woodland area, under the trees. If you are visiting, be sure to look for it, it really is amazing to see. In warm weather it will go hard and in cold weather, it will freeze solid, but then can carry on growing when the temperature rises again!
In the 1800s it was used as a medicine to treat sore throats and is still used in Chinese medicine today.