Scotswood Wildlife

Welcome to our Scotswood Wildlife page. Click on a photo category below to find out about some of the amazing wildlife we have at Scotswood Garden.

We are so fortunate to have such a wide array of wildlife in our lovely garden. Visitors, volunteers and staff enjoy spotting the various plants and animals in the garden. We continue to encourage this through a variety of means, but in particular with our school groups through our Wildlife Superheroes Project, where we have trained children and adults in wildlife identification through school visits and our open days. We love to see your photos of wildlife, please share them with us @Scotswoodgarden or by emailing them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will add them to our website.


Seek app by iNaturalist

In recent years, we have used the iNaturalist app, Seek, to record wildlife sightings in the garden. Just by pointing your camera at a plant or creature, it can identify it for you. You can also submit your sightings and help record biodiversity for others to see. Why not give it a try? See here for more information Seek by iNaturalist · iNaturalist

Click here if you would like to see a record of wildlife sightings at Scotswood Garden on iNaturalist.