This website is designed to be accessible to as wide an audience as possible. By following the current best practice in website design and using standards compliant code the website should be easy to navigate on a wide range of different devices including screen readers and assistive technology.
If you have any difficult accessing this site or can suggest any improvements please get in touch.
Change the text size
In most modern browsers you can use the following key combinations to zoom in or out of the page and make the text the right size for you to read:
- 'Ctrl' and '+' (plus) to zoom in
- 'Ctrl' and '-' (minus) to zoom out and
- 'Ctrl' and '0' (zero) to return to normal.
Change the settings in your browser
You may find it helpful to change some of the settings in your browser to make it easier for you to view this and other websites.
The BBC has produced a useful guide to using the accessibility options in your browser and on your computer. We recommend you look at this guide for more information.